
1. Goodtime Charlie—蒂仔好时间查理

Goodtime Charlie certainly lives up to his name. With an endlessly positive attitude and an endless supply of cheesy jokes, Charlie never fails to bring a smile to any situation.

2. Sunny Bizness—晴朗商业

Sunny Bizness is always ready to turn on his sunny charm and make the best out of any situation or business venture. He's always sure to bring a bright and uplifting energy to any team or boardroom meeting.

3. Rocky Balboa—洛基巴博拉

It's hard not to laugh when you hear the name Rocky Balboa. Rocky's got the reputation of being a tough guy, but he's also got a heart of gold and loves a good laugh.

4. Chatterbox Johnson—查特宝斯金森

Chatterbox Johnson always has something to say. He's got a never-ending stream of stories, jokes, and witticisms that keep his friends and family laughing all day long.

5. Poppy Pancake—粉芝士煎饼

Poppy Pancake is everyone's favorite breakfast treat. Not only does she have a sunny personality and always has something positive and uplifting to say, but she's also delicious!

6. Super Smiley—超级微笑

Super Smiley is determined to bring smiles and cheer to everyone he meets. Whether he's fighting evil villains or just cheering up a friend, Super Smiley's always sure to put a smile on everyone's face.

7. Funny Bone Walker—肯豆腿沃克

Funny Bone Walker lives up to his name. He's always cracking jokes and making sure everyone around him is laughing as much as possible. He's the life of the party and always brings the fun.

8. Backside Betty—非常贝蒂

Backside Betty is always ready with a witty comeback or a quick one-liner. She's a master of the art of sarcasm and her sharp wit never fails to get a few laughs.

9. Sir Laughsalot—欢笑了

Sir Laughsalot is the official mascot of laughter and joy. He's always sure to get the party started and keep it going with an unending supply of laughter and good vibes.

10. Jimothy Troublesome—吉莫忒特勒侠

Jimothy Troublesome is an expert at causing mischief and mayhem. He's always looking for trouble and always ready for a laugh. He's cunning and clever and always finds a way to get the last laugh.

1、Tofu 法式乳脂,可能有点无聊,但很有搞笑感。可以和Taco一起搞笑做一对儿名字,比如“Tacofu”,听起来很有意思。

2、Spork 叉叉勺子,也是一种很有趣的搞笑名字,尤其是当它被用来做个人名字的时候,听起来更有趣,比如“Spork Smith”这样。

3、Marshmallow 棉花糖,又是一种寓意搞笑的英文名字,比如“Marshmallow Jones”,很有趣吧!

4、Booger 鼻屎,有混合搞笑和冒险嫌疑犯的感觉,比如“Booger Williams”,绝对是一个有吸引力的英文��字!

5、Snorkel 潜水镜,这也是一个有趣的搞笑的英文名字,比如“Snorkel Smith”,非常吸引人!

6、Bubble 泡泡,给人一种活泼可爱的感觉,比如“Bubble Brown”,难怪这也是一个常见的搞笑的英文名字!

7、Mushroom 蘑菇,也是一种有趣的搞笑的英文名字,比如”Mushroom Smith”,这也是一个有趣的名字!

8、Mario 马里奥,充满了冒险和沉浸感,比如“Mario Smith”,给人一种大冒险精神!

9、Frodo 飞弹,有点怪物史莱克的感觉,可以用它做一个有趣的英文名字,比如“Frodo Williams”,这也是一个常见的搞笑的英文名字!

10、Corny 味精,给人一种机灵可爱的感觉,比如“Corny Smith”,听起来很有趣!